First Things First

In May, I mentioned to my boyfriend that I was thinking about starting a blog. He definitely gave me a look, the look that says "Umm.. Sure babe..", but his brain is probably thinking, "Terrible  idea, but just smile and nod so she doesn't get in her feelings." He really is so supportive though. I'll get more into that when we get to that topic. Well, December 1st rolls around and I am getting serious about it. Over the past seven months, I never knew where to start when it came to blogging or vlogging. Am I ready for that? Do I have enough crap to talk about? Like that’s "so 90’s ", right? Or is it early 2000's? Anyway, here I am. About to blog my little heart out. To be honest, I had to look up what vlogging was. Well, little did I know that that sounds so fun to me! Like what a great way to be annoying! So, those will come when I get a little more comfortable and wise. From here on out, I will try to refer to my blogs as, "entries" for now, due to the fact that I get annoyed with the word "blog" and I feel like a nerd when I say it or type it. I will think of something better later. So let us begin.

Over the last almost thirty years I have experienced a lot (for a small town girl), but within the last two years I have put myself through just as much. I want to be able to help anyone that has gone through any one of my situations or is currently struggling. Before you get into my entries, just know I am not perfect. Nor am I claiming to be. I've done things I'm not proud of. I cuss (sorry to the ladies from the church.. and my aunts.. and probably to my whole family.. and to anyone who will be offended), it's going to happen. I make mistakes. I am a sinner.

If you are just here to judge me, because you know me and (you think you know) my story, hey, that’s fine. You’re my biggest fan. Take a seat. Happy to have ya! But know this, I’m not going to sit here and act innocent and play the victim. I’m gonna tell it how it is. Because I’ve learned in the past two years you can’t please everyone. And you can’t sugarcoat everything. And it does no good for you to do either one of those things, because if we spend our life trying to please others, we will be miserable. My entries will probably piss people off, but I think it is important to truly speak from my experience for those who need it. Small towns perks, everyone knows me and I can about guarantee that they will talk about my entries. But a wise and handsome man once said to me, "DON'T CARE!" So read/listen/watch if you want. Otherwise, mind your business.

Here is a little on what to expect. This is to my high school English teacher, I'm so sorry for not using what you taught me. But hey, you always knew I got "comma happy." Some people don't change. Glad I got that off my chest. Okay, I am not going to post every day. My goal come January is to post once a week. I would like to vlog once a month! Maybe have a couple videos or audio conversations with some friends over different topics. Gosh, you guys, look at me. It's almost 2021, I am SO up with the times now. I am finally starting a blog-vlog. That's a word now. Looking forward to FULLY starting my blog-vlog in January.  New leaf, my dudes.

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