My name is Callie Guthrie-Nelson. My legal name is Callie Nelson. My birth name was Callie Selvage. My adopted name was Callie Guthrie. My married name was Callie Nelson. My work name is Nurse Nelson. I am adopted. I am divorced. I am a nurse. I am a workaholic. I am a hypocrite. I am a sinner. I have anxiety. I am recovering from depression (if that's a thing). I am hard on myself. I am an over-thinker. I am a self-sabotager. I am a Christian. I am a girlfriend. I am recovering from low self-esteem. I am a best friend. I am an aunt, a sister, a cousin, and a daughter. I am a lot of things. But I can tell you what I am NOT. I am not perfect. I want to help those who might be in the same situation or going through the same things I have. I want to help anyone that needs someone's perspective, but the way I help is by saying things that no one wants to hear or say the things that no one will say.
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